Happiness is a journey. Start on your path today.

Distinguishing between the mere absence of illness and the continuous, proactive pursuit of our optimal physical, mental, and social well-being is crucial. Instead of waiting to address illness when it arises, let's adopt a proactive approach by implementing proven strategies to enhance our well-being.

Elevating our daily wellness not only holds significant value in shaping our self-perception and overall well-being but also positively influences our relationships with loved ones and contributes to heightened productivity and satisfaction in our professional lives.

Prescription Offerings for Teams and Individuals

Outdoor Retreats

Treat your team to a day in nature, where they will get to experience team building in a whole new way.

Dose by Dose

Allow your team to set actionable wellness goals and put them into practice, dose by dose, as they experience the Prescribing Happiness program.

Happiness Camp

For amazing women who need to gain clarity and make lasting changes in a fun, supportive, online ‘camp’ environment just like summer camp.

One-On-One Coaching

Are you at a crossroad in your personal or professional life? Having someone in your corner has shown to provide results and peace of mind.

Custom Programs

Indoor or outdoors, we love to get creative based on the team we’re working with to make sure the message sticks to your audience. 

Keynotes and Panels

Invite us to speak at your next meeting or yearly conference. In person or hybrid, we have done it all and promise an engaging performance.

Small prescriptions you can start with today

Join Livia as she takes you through a half hour walking meditation, exploring nature, our five senses and gratitude, all for the purpose of training our mind to be present.