Embracing more time in natural surroundings can contribute to healthier, happier, and more creative lifestyles.
Despite scientific evidence confirming the positive impact of nature on well-being, our society witnesses an increasing trend of people spending excessive time indoors and online. Embracing more time in natural surroundings can contribute to healthier, happier, and more creative lifestyles. Outdoor activities not only energize us but also foster happiness, alleviate the daily stresses of our busy lives, stimulate creativity, and encourage kindness towards others.
For this experience, consider leaving cell phone at home, wearing running shoes (or flipflops), indulging in protected moments of silence and safe, reflective discussion.
Guided by knowledgeable professionals, experience the wonder of nature through customized, thoughtful exercises. Your team experience will be a memorable one.

Other Services
Dose by Dose
Allow your team to set actionable wellness goals and put them into practice, dose by dose, as they experience the Prescribing Happiness program.
Happiness Camp
For amazing women who need to gain clarity and make lasting changes in a fun, supportive, online ‘camp’ environment just like summer camp.
One-On-One Coaching
Are you at a crossroad in your personal or professional life? Having someone in your corner has shown to provide results and peace of mind.